
In Response to the recent LRA confusion

For the past day, there has been a lot of hype on the internet, between friends, and coming from home about the LRA and Obama sending troops over here to Sudan/Uganda/DRC. I'll tell you straight up, Rush Limbaugh had it wrong.
The LRA is a deadly and terrible rebel group that pillages and destroys villages- they rape, murder, and scar their victims leaving most for dead and others so traumatised that it is horrible to describe the atrocities that befell them.
Here are a few links to blog posts and websites having to do with the LRA and what they mean here in Congo.
-> MAF blog
-> LRA Victim Responds
-> LRA Victim Story (Warning: This website has 2-3 pictures that are startling)
-> General LRA Info (This one is opinionated)

Feel free to check those out and comment to tell me what you think! I just thought I would clear the air a little and give you all a bit more information so you can base opinions for yourselves. I am still a bit astounded at what Rush Limbaugh said pertaining to all of this.


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