
Baraka Academy's first day....

They loved to pose.

Grade 6 students. About half the whole class....
Today was Baraka Academy's first day back at school. Furaha (the academy's headmistress) came to pick me up at 11 so I could take a look at the class sizes and the classrooms before I actually start teaching. The kids all stood up when we walked in the room and sang a short greeting to us. I was impressed with their attentiveness and how they aimed to please. They then proceeded to exchange greetings with me as Furaha explained to them that I would be teaching them English for this school year. I was able to understand a bit of what she said in French and specifically remember when she asked the class if they wanted to learn English; there was a resounding (and unanimous) exclamation of "Oui!" (yes in French) from the class as they all smiled. I am so excited to be able to have the privilege of teaching these kids and cannot WAIT to get in there and have some fun with them. I will start teaching this week and will be working out a schedule with Furaha shortly. Most likely I will end up teaching Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the mornings- 4 classes at 30 Minutes each. There will be an average of 50 students per class. 50! Such a big number!
Please pray that all the scheduling will go smoothly and that the kids would enjoy learning from me. I'm a little nervous.....
God Bless.


1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I can HEAR your passion for teaching in this post! I'm so proud of you--I know the Lord will equip you for this important ministry! Much love, Diane
