
26 Days......

I've been listening to Flame's newest album "Captured" a lot lately in my car......and by a lot, I mean every single time I have to drive. This album is so rich! Even with listening to it so often, I still love listening to "Surrender", "Captured", and "Tonight (All of Me)". 
These songs have really been hitting me hard.
In "Surrender", Flame throws out these lyrics:
 I found a real love/and He is my ransom/
not going to escape/I'm going to stay/
I'm captured yeah/ but I'm so free/
and I finally know that I'm where I'm suppose to be/
so I raise my hands/I get on my knees/
because there is nothing like the day the Spirit captured me/
and there is no one greater/I surrender I don't need another Savior/
I'm never going to run

I love this! 
And in "Tonight (All of Me)":
I just wanna be/I just wanna be
Closer to Your heart/You will find me there
Everything I am/It’s because of You
It’s because of You/And now, we sing
Tonight/I’m giving You all of me
Tonight/I let go of everything
Tonight/I’m giving You all of me
I give You all of me

Both of these have really been on my heart and I've just been praying through them and thought I would share. Lord, give me a heart for you and let me give you all of me!


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