

Time has flown by on a crazily immense scale.
Not only do I find that January is over, but February never existed! I can't even wrap my mind around how fast this year is going for me and how all of my future plans are ominously hanging over my head.....
It's been almost a month since I've posted and I am quite sorry about that. But hey, can you blame me? It's been really busy around here.
My plans are falling into place for Africa and I will now tell you a bit more in depth what I am planning to do this year.
Yes, you heard me right-Africa.
In about September of last year, I was really struggling to figure out what I wanted to do after high school which I spoke about in a previous post. I was so angry that I hadn't gotten any plans set or even ideas formed! I approached my dad and spoke to him about the fact that I really wasn't too sure about college and told him about my planning frustrations and he calmly listened. He then proceeded to turn my world upside down by suggesting I do some long-term missions instead of going to college straight-away- to help me figure out what i want to do with my life.
As I'm sure you've noticed in my previous posts, I'm very missions-oriented. It is where my passion lies and my heart is awakened to the needs around me.
After praying about what my dad had said, I definitely felt God calling me to do something outside of the USA, so I started contacting different Missionaries and Ministries I knew of or personally knew outside of the USA.
I contacted a family that lives in Guatemala and works with widows and orphans there, a family that lives in Romania and runs an orphanage there, and a couple who lies in East Congo and does varying mission work there.
I really felt God pulling me towards East Congo and the Streitzel's (the missionary couple there). Plans started falling into place, and now I am most likely leaving for Africa in July until November.
Crazy right?
Apparently God likes crazy. :)
I'll tell you more on this subject later....I'm in class right now and need to get a move on my homework.

Red: East Congo, Africa



  1. The official title of the East Congo is called the "Republic of the Congo" as opposed to the "Democratic Republic of the Congo".

  2. In other news, I think that is pretty great that you're doing that :-)

  3. Thanks. :)
    and thanks for the feedback.
